Career Consultancy


Do you recruit healthcare workers or offer placements?

We are not a recruitment agency, we are advisors. We guide and advise candidates through a process of finding and securing sponsored employment. Candidates who have successfully passed an employer interview process may be recruited if the employer offers them employment and the candidate accepts the offer of employment.

Does your organisation assist COS ( Certificate of Sponsorship) healthcare workers already in the United Kingdom with finding and switching to a new employer?

We provide tailored advice to COS holders considering switching employers and guide with tips for preparation to enhance presentability and interview performance.

Do you provide your services face to face or online?

Our services are provided online which means a candidate can be anywhere in the world and still have access to our services and support.

Do you only assist people migrating to the United Kingdom for work?

Our consultancy services are not restricted to candidates moving to the UK. We have the capacity and capability to extend services to candidates considering moving to other locations and countries other than the United Kingdom.

Do you charge a fee for your services?

We charge reasonable fees for our services and this can be tailored to meet a candidate’s needs but a tailored service will rarely exceed our standard fee rates. You may contact us for a fee quote that suits your individual needs.

What does the service fee cover?

This depends on a candidate’s requirements although in most cases the fee broadly covers payment for consultation and feedback assessment reviews, CV and cover letter modification, career coaching, and 3 months aftercare service after candidate relocates.

This aftercare service includes, but is not limited to, guidance on securing suitable accommodation, schools selection ( if bringing children), navigating transport networks, exchange of drivers licenses, applicable vehicle and tax registrations, budgeting and personal finances, setting up utility services, and tailored advice on handling challenges in the new workplace, amongst other things.

Can the aftercare services be extended past the initial 3 months?

A rate per month can be negotiated should a candidate require continuing support from UKHCW.

In what language do you deliver your advisory services?

Given most employers expect a good English speaking and writing standard, we conduct all our services in English. When supporting candidates whose first language may not be English, we support them in becoming more confident in speaking and writing English, in readiness for professional employment.

We also sign post them to services local to their chosen areas of migration that can help them build their English speaking and writing confidence.

Are your fees negotiable? Do you accept payment plans?

Our standard service is subject to upfront payment. We are also able to tailor make a fee structure that equates to the level of services we provide. Tailor made services are also payable upfront.

What are the minimum requirements from a candidate who signs up for UKHCW Advisory services?

It is very important that candidates have frequent access to reliable internet services and be willing to invest the time and dedication to consistently submitting job applications to potential employers as recommended by UKHCW Advisors.

What are the advantages of using UKHCW Advisory services?

1) We protect our clients by giving them accurate information of how the process of sponsorship works for those seeking to migrate under the healthcare worker visa and by conducting due diligence checks on employers that approach them offering COS ( Certificates of Sponsorship).

2) We have the capacity and capability to support anyone seeking employment and looking to relocate to any country.

3) Ours is a professional, fair and transparent service. All processes and services provided are above board with no hidden charges.

4) We walk with you during your transition giving you the support and guidance that makes the changes easier to handle.

Employer Consultancy


Does your organisation assist with the recruitment process?

We provide tailored services to employers seeking to recruit candidates that fit a defined job specification. We have the expertise and experience to develop a recruitment process, from start to finish, that meets your business requirements and needs.

Do you charge a fee for your services?

We charge competitive fee rates for our services and this can be tailored to meet a client’s needs but a tailored service will rarely exceed our standard fee rates. You may contact us for a fee quote that will be specific to your business needs.

Do you provide your services face to face or online?

Our services are provided online which means an employer can be anywhere in the world and still have access to our expertise and consultancy services.

What are the advantages of using UKHCW Advisory services?

1) We are a reputable business with ethical operations and go above and beyond our client’s expectations to deliver a quality service. We protect our clients by referring only candidates that pass through our thorough candidate assessments and who match our client’s specifications.

2) We have the capacity and capability to provide support to selected candidates with the relocation process if moving to start employment with a client.

3) We provide coaching and development courses to enhance employees’ job performance and ensure candidate alignment with your business goals and objectives.

4) Ours is a professional, fair and transparent service with all processes and services provided being above board with no hidden charges.



Personal Budget Financial Management 


What is a personal budget?

 A budget is a financial plan or blueprint for managing your money; without one, you may overspend or increase your debt to unmanageable levels. 

Following a budget plan can help you control your spending and improve your savings habit; track your expenses and reduce financial stress by offering a tool for planning and building emergency savings for unexpected expenses that come along in day-to-day life.

How can UKHCW Advisory help me with personal budget financial management?

UKHCW Advisory will help you to build a healthy financial life by assessing your needs, wants, and savings requirements, confirming your monthly income (after-tax/take home pay) and expenses, helping you to create a clear action plan of what you will do with your money before you actually spend it. We also provide awareness of likely costs within the UK environment and point candidates to services they may wish to engage for their personal household needs.

Whether you are new to the working world. have recently relocated to a new country, are planning to pay down debt, save for retirement, or tame your spending every month, we can help you achieve your goals faster.

What are some common budgeting mistakes?

Sticking to your planned budget can be tricky and being too restrictive may not be helpful for some people. If you are too hard on yourself you might get so frustrated that you give up on managing your budget.

You should also make sure to track your spending, set money aside for an emergency fund and review your budget regularly to make sure it’s up-to-date. Not tracking your budget can be a major pitfall and reason for overspending. It is also important to budget for leisure and entertainment expenses, that way your lifestyle, overall, remains in balance.

What is the difference between yearly and monthly budgets?

Monthly budgets detail your income and expenses one month at a time. Yearly budgets review all the income and expenses tracked over a whole year. 

An annual budget can be helpful if your income and expenses vary greatly by month or season; for example a freelancer, part time or shift worker, and your need to look at the year in full. 

Yearly budgets can also be useful for monthly budgeters to look at their bigger financial picture. Monthly budgets can more accurately reflect your immediate actual income or expenses.

Why is a personal budget important?

A budget is important for taking control of your money; it is essential for keeping track of your expenses and income, identifying your spending patterns, developing savings and avoiding excessive debt.

Discipline and commitment are required to keep within a budget set for your personal financial management goals. Without  a budget in place, it is easy to overspend and end up in debt, especially if you are always turning to credit cards or loans to fill the gaps.



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